Samut Sakhon Province

Samut Sakhon Province
The province of Samut Sakhon is situated 28km to the south west of Bangkok, on the Gulf of Thailand wedged between Samut Songkhram and Bangkok. Samut Sakhon was fomerly called Munag Tha Chiin, due to the high number of Chinese junks using its waterways. With the later constructio of the Mahachai Canal, the town was then known as Munag Mahachai. The town got its present name of Samut Sakhon during the reign of King Rama IV, although it is still called Mahachai by the locals.

Places of Attraction

Wat Yai Chom Prasat
This Ayutthaya period temple is located afew kilometeres to the west of the town. The temple can be admired for the fine carvings on the wooden doors of the bot.


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